privacy policy

Using the Website (hereinafter referred to as the Website, we, ours, us), you trust us or our partners with your data (as defined in this Policy), and this Policy is designed to help you get an idea of ​​what data is collected we carry out about you, for what purposes we collect them, and what actions we perform with your data. In case of disagreement with these conditions, the user should refrain from using this resource.

This Policy applies exclusively to the operation of our Site. If you follow the link from our Site or leave our Site in another way, the policy of the provider of another website will become the applicable policy. The terms of use of other web sites are not under our control.

1. Personal information of users that the Site receives and processes

Site Visits. This Policy applies to data collected during your visits to our Site. Please note that data is collected every time the Site is downloaded. In the context of this Policy, "Personal Data" means all data that can be used to establish your identity. When visiting our Site, the following data may be collected:

  • your IP address;
  • information about your operating system and browser software used to access our Site;
  • details of your visits to our Site, including, but not limited to, data about traffic, location, network logs, information about the operating system, browser type and visited resources;
  • other information, a more detailed description of which is contained in Section 4 below (Transfer of the collected information to Yandex. Metric, Google, etc.).

If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter materials on our Site in order to receive new materials to your email, we will offer you to provide the following data - your email address.

Please note that we ourselves do not collect or store the above data. Their collection is carried out by Our Partners (an explanation of the term “Our Partners” is given in Section 4).

2. The purposes of collecting and processing personal information of users

We collect and use data to achieve the legitimate objectives of the Site:

  • processing of analytical data and administration of the operation of our Site;
  • collection of statistical data, measurement of web traffic and popularity of individual sections of our Site;
  • definition of user preferences and business development;
  • optimization and introduction of changes to the operation of our Site, the development of new functionality for the convenience of using the site and addressing the needs of users;
  • Compliance with the requirements of applicable law, judicial practice and industry standards, meeting the requests of state authorities and supervisory authorities;
  • detection and prevention of fraud.

In addition, if you are subscribed to the newsletter materials of our Site, your data can be used by us to achieve the following goals:

  • sending periodical messages to your email address, including news and updates;
  • conducting actions on our Website aimed at promoting goods and services, contests, surveys, and other events.

If you prefer to unsubscribe from receiving e-mails in the future, at the end of each e-mail sent from our address, you will find detailed instructions on how to do this.

Use of Personal Data by Our Partners.Our Partners (the explanation of this term is given in Section 4) collect and use Personal Data in order to customize the advertising content displayed to you, including by building data segments based on your clicks and views, as well as time and number of views. For these purposes, Our Partners use information collected using pixel tag or cookie technology, which allows us to optimize the level of services provided by third-party advertising organizations such as Google or Yandex.

When processing your Personal Data, we always take into account your rights and treat them with respect. If necessary, you can always express your objections to the processing of your Personal Data in a certain way. In particular, you can do this by contacting us using the contact details on the “Editorial office”.

3. What do you consent to using our Site?

Upon entering our Site, you will be asked to provide consent to the collection and use of your Personal Data in accordance with the rules of this Policy and the requirements of applicable law, including The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You have the right to refuse to provide such consent to us, or, at any time, to withdraw the previously granted consent.

In the case of using Personal Data for purposes other than those mentioned in the previous Section of this Policy (“Purpose of collecting and processing personal information of users”), we will secure your clear and unequivocal consent, suggesting the possibility of using Personal Data for such purposes.

4. To whom do we provide the data?

With the exception of the cases mentioned in this Policy or those in respect of which you have given express and unequivocal consent, we will not provide your Personal Data to anyone. In addition to the methods of use listed in this Policy, we are entitled to transfer and otherwise use Personal Data that provides personal identification, as described below.

Our partners. We allow third-party organizations, including carefully selected advertising networks and business partners (hereinafter, “Our Partners”), to place advertising materials on our Site. Our Partners may, in particular, collect, use and disseminate your Personal Data in order to assist us in forming assumptions about your interests, as well as contact you with offers, promotional materials and advertisements of an advertising nature.

Thus, our Site allows our Partners to collect your Personal Data in order to provide you with personalized advertising. Our Partners are leading advertising groups, they operate in the digital information space on the basis of the payment for the result. They also make great efforts to maintain the security and correct use of your Personal Data. In particular, they can compare data from your computer or device with other information and determine:

  • Your gender;
  • Your age;
  • approximate location (at city level);
  • areas of your interests.

In addition, Our Partners may collect certain information about your computer device, laptop, mobile phone or other devices. They can also collect traffic / session data.

Service providers. The collection of your Personal Data may be carried out by organizations that provide services to us, including the delivery of web analytics, data processing, improving data quality, studying consumer preferences, advertising, sending email and other services.

Third-party organizations (due to legal requirements or, if necessary, protection of our services).We may transfer information about you (including your Personal Data that provides personal identification) to third parties for the following purposes:

  • protecting our legitimate interests and rights, as well as the sites and service providers with whom we work;
  • protect the interests and security of our users;
  • preventing fraudulent activities (or for risk management purposes);
  • compliance with legislation or judicial proceedings or retaliatory actions against them or in order to satisfy a request for cooperation from government or supervisory authorities, regardless of the requirements of the law. For example, the transfer of your Personal Data may be necessary in accordance with the requirements of national security or law enforcement.

Use for analytical and advertising purposes. In order to collect information about the use of our Site, we use standard industry tools, such as Yandex Metric or Yandex Advertising Network (hereinafter referred to as YAN). These tools allow you to collect information about the frequency of visits to our Site and other sites that you could visit before coming to our Site. The information obtained using analytical tools is used by us to improve the operation of the Site. Analytical tools allow you to collect information about the IP address of your computer or other device, as well as about the settings of your browser from the moment you visit our Site. They do not allow the collection of your name or other identifying information.

Moreover, we use standard industry tools, such as Google Adsense or Yandex Yandex, which allows you to place and manage personalized advertising services on our Site. These tools use cookies to target ads based on parameters that are important to you as a user, in order to improve advertising and in order not to re-display ads that you have already seen. Cookies themselves do not contain any Personal Data. They record your activity on the network, but they have no relation to the information that allows you to identify you as a person. Tools such as Adsense inject a cookie into your web browser after any contact with your ad, a link or any other action on our servers. Typically, a cookie will be implemented on your web browser when you visit any web page containing ads from Google or Yandex. Web pages containing Google or Yandex ads use tags that instruct web browsers to request advertising content from our servers. When delivering advertising content, the server also embeds a cookie.

5. How high is your data protection?

We use commercially reasonable physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction in accordance with applicable law. However, we ask you to take into account that, despite all our efforts, no information security measures can guarantee 100% security in any circumstances.

6. Use of cookies

When you visit our Site, we also use (or may use) “cookies”. We use cookies to better understand how you interact with materials on our website. In addition, these small files can complement your experience of use, as they remember your personal preferences. Cookies help us calculate how many users visit specific pages on our site. Another reason for using cookies is to show you content tailored to your specific interests.In particular, they help to study your behavior in order to show you targeted advertising on third-party sites in order to select goods and services for your individual needs.

When do we use cookies?

Any browser that downloads our site will receive a cookie. You can always refuse both types of cookies on our website by changing your cookie settings. Instructions for disabling cookies are given below.

7. Use of information for personal advertising

The information collected by Our Partners is used to analyze trends, develop an understanding of user activity and collect demographic information to create, manage and develop their personalized advertising and related services. Our Partners may distribute such information to their subsidiaries. Our partners use technologies such as cookies and web beacons to organize the collection of information about your interaction with our Site and third-party websites. Such information does not personally identify you and, as a rule, is collected as a whole with other data to create segments - user groups and categories with common interests, which are logically formed on the basis of a number of factors (for example, “sports fans”). Our Partners use this information to form a more accurate picture of the interests of the audience with which they interact, including you, so that their advertising most closely meets such interests.

In addition, Our Partners may use information collected using cookies or similar technologies for various purposes, including:

  • in combination with advertising that is shown on other third-party sites;
  • to measure the effectiveness of advertisements displayed on the Internet and by email;
  • to generate reports on website traffic, statistics, advertising data and other interactions with advertisements and websites that serve them.

Our Partners store your data for processing in accordance with their legitimate business objectives. After that, the information is deleted, archived for limited legitimate interests or anonymized. Anonymized information can be stored without restrictions on time and use.

We do not have access or control over cookies or other functions that Our Partners may use, and this Policy does not apply to the information practices of Our Partners or third-party websites. Please contact them directly for more information about their privacy practices.

8. Why do I need personalized advertisements?

Consumers enjoy getting personalized ads for a variety of reasons. Personalized ads are beneficial because they are tailored to your specific interests. They are likely to help you discover new products and services that are relevant to you and your interests. In short, getting personalized ads improves access to those new products, services, and features that are most relevant to you. However, you won’t see the same ads over and over again because the number of demos for the same individual ad is limited. By abandoning personalized advertisements, you are losing these benefits.

9. Information retention period

We only store your data as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. The duration of the storage of Personal Data depends on the purpose for which such data was collected, and / or on the requirements of applicable law and the need to establish, exercise or protect our legal rights.

10. Your legal rights

You have certain rights with respect to your Personal Data.Depending on your jurisdiction, you have the right to ask us:

  • provide access to any of your Personal Data that is at our disposal or with our Partners;
  • update outdated or incorrect Personal Data;
  • delete your Personal Data that is at our disposal or with our Partners;
  • to object to certain means of processing Personal data (for example, refuse marketing communications);
  • restrict the way you process your Personal Data;
  • Provide your Personal Data to a third-party provider or services;
  • provide you with a copy of your Personal Data that is at our disposal.

11. External links

Our site may display links to sites of third-party content providers that are not our partners. We do not transfer your Personal Data to third parties, with the exception of Our Partners, without your express consent to such transfer. We do not support and are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of such third parties. We recommend that you read their privacy policy in order to gain an idea of ​​how they collect and process your Personal Data.

12. Changes to this Policy

We carry out periodic revisions and amendments to this Policy in connection with changes in the requirements of the legislation, technologies and business practices, which entails periodic updates of this Policy. Any such changes will be posted on this page and will take effect immediately after publication on our Site.

13. Contact details

For all questions or comments on this Policy, as well as regarding our use of privacy practices or the exercise of your rights, please contact us using the contact details on the page “Editorial office”.

Updated July 12, 2018

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